- How does the app work ?
Set the threshold so that stronger sounds are captured and weaker ones are cut off, and another setting is the minimum silence duration to not skip normal silence in the recording, ranging from 2 seconds to 20 seconds. After that, click the power icon button and you are good to go.
- How can I backup my recordings?
For Android 10+ users, the function of “Copy the recordings in the favorites to the public download directory” has been added, which supports scoped storage and also supports copying to SD card. Just enter the favourites page and click the output icon to pop up a menu for copying. For Android 10- users, please go to “/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.myrepairid.sleeprecorder/files” to copy recordings out via file explorer or connect to a computer. In addition of that, the app offers several ways to share recordings with third-party apps or free Google Cloud Storage, and if you have a dropbox installed, you can also upload recordings to your account. You can also transfer recordings to your computer if you have a wifi direct link or a bluetooth link set up on your computer.
- Can I copy recordings to my SD card ?
Yes, you can. For Android 10+ users, this new feature has been released, and offers the option to copy recordings from favorites to a shareable “Downloads” directory on SD card or primary external storage so that users can access them from a computer or any 3rd party file explorer for backup. For Android 10- users, directly copy recordings in the location “/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.myrepairid.sleeprecorder/files” to SD card or computer.
- How can I close the player ?
Swipe down to close or click “<-” to leave the current page and the player will be released.
- What is the difference between Voice Activated Recorder and Sleep recorder ?
The core is the same, but VA Recorder is a general purpose recorder tool, not optimized for sleep use, for example, no delay timer set before falling asleep, there are actually many potential functions for sleep purposes, such as timer sleep music before countdown ends, or using sleep data analyze users’ sleep quality and display it to the user with charts and other means. In short, VA Recorder is a general-purpose tool, while sleep recorder is a tool specifically designed to help with sleep and will focus on sleep research.